Physical Movement as ‘Medicine’

(1-on-1, multi-hour/multi-day workshop, or 7-weeks for groups)

We will explore several systems of physical practice, including: yoga asana; Tibetan Buddhist Nejang Yoga; and Orisha dances — all as ‘medicinal’ supports for healing, clarity, grounding, connectedness, and unsticking blockages in our minds, bodies, hearts and relations…

Drawn from training in yoga asana (hatha, vinyasa, ashtanga) since the 1970s and yoga teacher certification; certification as a Nejang Yoga teacher; and a near 30-year practice and priesthood in Lucumi.

Currently these offerings are shared by request of groups (of 4 or more experienced practitioners) or in 1-1 formats for multi-hour, multi-day or multi-week/multi-month sessions. Please use the buttons below based on your interest.